Personal Pizza Pick-Up
Orders and Pick-Up:
- When making an order at or over the phone on 80005858, choose the Personal Pizza Pick-Up service (hereinafter “PPP”).
- By choosing PPP, you will get a 15% discount on the ordered pizzas.
- Specify the date and time, and the pizzeria where you want to pick up your order. REMEMBER: the specified pick-up time cannot be less than 29 minutes from ordering.
- The order is completed when you choose the payment method: paying at the pizzeria or via bank transfer.
- After completing the order, you will receive a confirmation text message with the order number.
- When you arrive for your order at the specified time, don’t wait in line – just let the cashier know that you are there for your PPP order. Wait for the cashier to finish serving the current customer if there is one, and then show them your order number to receive your delicious order.
Order Implementation Time and Terms:
- The minimum implementation time is 29 minutes from the moment of ordering. Please note that depending on how busy the pizzeria is, it might take longer to prepare your order. We will do everything within our means to prepare your order on time.
- For orders made over the phone at 80005858, the order countdown beings when the dispatcher has accepted the order, forwarded it to the pizzeria and the customer has received the confirmation text message.
- For online orders, the order countdown begins when the customer has received the confirmation text message.
- If the person who has made a PPP order decides to purchase additional products at the pizzeria, they are no longer covered by the PPP or eligible for the 15% discount. The additional purchase is made separately from the order.
- The ordered items, as well as the specified time, date and pizzeria may not be changed, regardless of whether the order has been made at or over the phone on 80005858.